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63 Liberty Street
Newburgh, NY, 12550
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&BEAUTY is in this for the long run, and we’re back with our monthly newsletter to give you all some beauty tips and tricks so you can stay home and stay in it with us.  Usually we give our readers a single tip of the month but we decided for this round, why not just give our clients what they need right now and share our most useful at home ideas for anyone struggling with keeping their looks and styles on point without access to the salon?   

We can thank &BEAUTY’S own Lauren Palatini. She took time to share some of her best style from home tips with us!

Tip N Trick #1: Keep the Kitchen Out of Your Hair

We don’t have to tell you how hard It’s become for all of us to find and supply ourselves with what we’ve come to know as our basic, staple products that we all use and consume on a daily basis.  From groceries to household necessities, it’s just simply unattainable for the most part. However, please don’t be tempted into making your own beauty products at home out of food items.  We’ve seen the horror show videos posted across social media and it’s just not cute.  As fun as it all seems, DO NOT hop on the facial/skin/hair mask train that seems to be making the rounds.  Concocting hair and skin treatments out of what you find in the fridge and kitchen cupboards can set off allergic reactions from sensitivities you never knew you had.  It can also completely interfere with pH balances which is never a good look.  Also, did you know that you can actually cook food in your hair simply by rinsing with warm to hot water?  So let’s just avoid all of this by keeping it in a bowl in the kitchen and purchase products that are specifically made for skin and hair treatments.  You can thank us later. 

Tip N Trick #2 - Say No to Box Color!

We can’t make this suggestion enough, even when the world is in normal functioning mode: DO NOT PURCHASE BOX COLOR!  The reason is that box colors are filled with harsh chemicals and ammonia that can be almost impossible to strip and remove.  An $8 color kit can easily turn into a $300.+ salon correction down the line.  And at this rate, who knows when your favorite stylist will be able to sit you down in their chair and get to work on that kind of mess.  So, if you really need to address those roots, message your stylist to explore better options together.  We really are here for you during this time in need! We have even designed a coupon program for our stylists and their clients so that you can have an easy way to pre-pay for services during the salon shut down and as soon as we are given the Cuomo/DeBlasio green light, you can cash it in at either &BEAUTY salon location! 

Show your favorite stylist support by purchasing an e-gift card and pre-paying for your appointment today. As a small business we appreciate your support!

Show your favorite stylist support by purchasing an e-gift card and pre-paying for your appointment today. As a small business we appreciate your support!

Tip N Trick #3: Preserve Your Hair.

Keep your colors fresh and make it last!  There are two easy ways you can do this from home.  One, have on hand a color safe, sulfate/paraben free shampoo and conditioner.  And yes, dry shampoos work too and sometimes even better as a skip-day option since the more you wash with water, the more your color will fade.  Try using a shampoo to clean your scalp, while giving your roots a boost and at the same time, add texture to your hair.  When you do wash your hair, it is imperative to use gentle shampoos and conditioners that are free of sulfates and parabens. If it’s not marked on the front label, make sure to check the ingredients!  And if it turns out you’ve realized your products are unsafe, we’ve got you!  Check out LMC’s full product line here.  We use the healthiest of ingredients and all of our products are ready to ship straight to your home!  We’ve even got a good deal going right now so our clients can keep their showers amply supplied without using up that stimulus! 

Looking Ahead

When the salons are up and running again, it might be difficult getting an appointment when everyone is trying to book at once, so we suggest making a tentative booking on or after May 15th to reserve your chair. You can book your appointment on either site at: Liberty or Broome &BEAUTY. You can always reschedule your appointment if the stay at home orders are still in place by our local government.

Most importantly, we hope that you and your families are staying safe and healthy and can’t wait to see your face in the salon again!

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