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63 Liberty Street
Newburgh, NY, 12550
United States


Say Hi to Our New Stylist, Berlin!


News, events and other happenings around Newburgh.

Say Hi to Our New Stylist, Berlin!


Welcome Berlin!

Meet Liberty’s newest talent.

Liberty & Beauty welcomes the newest addition to our team of talent, Berlin!!  We’re so excited to have him in our roster with his wide range of abilities in both men’s grooming and women’s styling alike. 

Berlin’s inspiration to work with hair came from his childhood, growing up in the salons and barbershops of Puerto Rico. By the time he was 13, he knew exactly what he wanted to be. So he moved to New York where he began his apprenticeship in men’s grooming under his father. 

After years of barbering through New York, Berlin decided he was ready to expand his hair journey and further his career into the salon atmosphere. This has been a natural move for him, as he is skilled in working with a vast spectrum of hair textures and styles. If asked, he would tell you his taste mostly lies with flowing, beautiful hair and he absolutely loves working with natural wave patterns. 

Book online at our Hudson Valley location in Newburgh, NY!